The use of Neural Cellular Automata (NCAs) has been proven useful in simulating the morphogenetic process. NCAs has found its application primarily in the 2D domain, however, this project expands the use of NCAs to the 3D domain by incorporating 3D convolutions into the neural network architecture. This would enable the simulation of complex 3D structures and spatial dependencies in all three dimensions. The project create a CA model that defines global coordination out of local level interactions. The research findings highlight two significant contributions, namely, an expansion of NCA to 3D voxels and the development of a cellular automation technique for producing voxel structures with different levels of complexity. The project explores multiple aspects, including the structural decay of the system after running for additional iterations beyond the training phase. It also showcases the regeneration property of the system.

Code Report

  • This project brings together web development and machine learning to empower informed stock market decisions. A user-friendly Flask web application allows for visualization and analysis of historical and real-time stock data. Additionally, the application leverages a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network to predict future stock prices based on past trends, offering valuable insights for investors.


  • Immerse yourself in the wonder of emergent behavior with DyPaLiSim, a dynamic particle life simulation project. Built with JavaScript and Python, this program explores the fascinating world of artificial life, drawing inspiration from real-world physics. Customizable particle properties and interaction rules allow you to witness the formation of complex patterns, mimicking natural processes. The user-friendly interface lets you adjust parameters in real-time and visualize the resulting phenomena, making the exploration both engaging and informative. Witness the emergence of diverse patterns, from basic formations to intricate, life-like shapes, all through the dynamic interaction of simulated particles.


Cellular AutomataA

Conways Game of Life

  • This project is a simple implementation of Conway's Game of Life using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The Game of Life is a cellular automaton where cells on a grid live or die based on specific rules. In this project, each cell can be toggled alive or dead by clicking, and the game progresses automatically with each generation. The grid is rendered dynamically on a web page, allowing users to interact with the simulation.
